As you may have guessed form the title of the blog, some folks are going to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the annual spring bike week. Actually, there are about 300,000+ people on motorcycles attending Myrtle Beach Bike Week from May 9 through May 18. Our group will append to this number by 16. We can only hope that this additional show of force will not push the whole event to critical mass with unintended catastrophic consequences for our world as we know it........Nah........probably not much danger of that.......
After a long winter and the stresses and challenges that life tends to serve up, we are ready to just get away for a week of motorcycling and relaxation. It is now 15 days before we leave and several of us are keeping our own countdown calendars. I have been sending out informational emails and we have all been communicating via emails.
We have arranged for accommodations at the Wyndham Seawatch Towers Resort in North Myrtle Beach from Friday May 9 to Friday May 16. Some of us are staying for the whole week, some are staying for the first half of the week, some are staying for the second half of the week, and some folks might just stop by for a night or two as their own agendas allow.
The return trip on Friday, May 16 will be it's own adventure. Those of us up for an additional adventure will travel up the coast of South Carolina and North Carolina, take a ferry to Cape Hatteras, spend the night at a hotel there (reservations already made!), and then continue up the Outer Banks and eventually on to our respective homes. Only if the weather is really lousy will we skip this part of the trip and go straight home. Everyone is hoping for good weather!
We took an opportunity to get most of the group together for a "meet & greet" at Joe's Crab Shack in Fair Lakes on Sunday, April 13. We had a great time and everyone got a chance to put faces to names. I believe that this group is going to have a great time together!
Yeah....I think that it is time to go on a motorcycle trip.